Perfection is your Mantra

Line cooks can even intercept the order and relay inquiries back to the waiter who can then ask the patron. This way, confusion and sent-back orders can be kept to a minimum while delighting the guests with your attention to detail. All devices sport an easy-to-use touch interface and report back to a central management console which gives your management unique and aggregated insights into the day-to-day operations.

Productivity and experience enhancements are made possible by Chef Corp. Integrated Technology for a Seamless Guest Experience. This interconnected system of handheld ordering and payment devices as well as kitchen order display and inquire devices enables your kitchen staff to go to work while the order is still being placed.

In high class restaurants, waiters are proud to memorize your order and even your special wishes by heart. If your staff is on that level, don't read any further. Most waiters, though, rely on pen and paper which are still staples of the restaurant world today. There is nothing wrong with that, since this is often still the most effective means of getting the order to the kitchen and keep everything organized until the bill has to be produced.

Ranges and Ovens

The Chef Range series is a favorite of chefs worldwide due to the great value-for-money, build quality, and durability.

However, new technology allows for so much more. A kitchen that has the order of the first guest in the pan while the second is still ordering is not a delusional daydream anymore. Neither is a perfect bill that the waiter can print out immediately when being asked without any delay. Even better, immediate and convenient payment at the table is entirely within your reach.

Connecting devices into a seamless system seems like an obvious idea. Yet it cannot be understated how revolutionary this product is in daily operation. Mike Howard of the Hungry Mike's in Chicago, Illinois was one of the first restaurant owners committed to technologically enhanced service: "We have incorporated the Chef Corp. Integrated Technology for a Seamless Guest Experience last year. It is astonishing, the quality of service has vastly improved. And our staff loves it, too! They are highly motivated to be on top of the rating lists that the management dashboard creates for the staff. Laziness and unfriendliness go down in the numbers and stats which really helps us weeding out the black sheep. Only the bus boys go untracked, but we're working on that."

Give our sales representatives a call and ask them how Chef Corp. Integrated Technology for a Seamless Guest Experience can make your restaurant experience smoother.


David Fuller

David Fuller

Gamma CEO, freelance cooking vlogger, photographer, motorcycle traveler.

Michelle Villegas

Michelle Villegas

I believe in great hair and wearing color. I report on fashion. Wine.
